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Victor Hugo – an early convert to the importance of the Cloud

The author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Misérables Victor Hugo once remarked: “You can resist an invading army; you cannot resist an idea whose time has come”. Hugo was born in 1802 and I think it is unlikely that he was thinking about Cloud based Asset Management Systems when he wrote this. Similarly, when Quartz was conceived, we were not doing this in the knowledge that a global… Read More »Victor Hugo – an early convert to the importance of the Cloud

Why the Cloud is important

I remember my first City job in the early eighties and people saying that one day the office will be a thing of the past and we will all work from home. It seemed a long way off. What computers there were then, involved the completion of cards that were passed to staff in a separate room who worked large ‘loom’ like contraptions which produced cards with holes. These were… Read More »Why the Cloud is important

Futureproofing your Software

Following on from the last article where we identified that “Good Practices” in the Investment Management industry were being let down by poor legacy technology, this article is going to discuss how we should evaluate technology to deliver against the commercial needs of the industry; i.e. keeping fund administration costs under control through effective “FinTech”. In particular the question, ‘how can we ensure that the system we choose today will… Read More »Futureproofing your Software